Medieval Inn and Tavern

Medieval Inn and Tavern

At some point in every medieval fantasy movie or game, the heroes end up to an inn or tavern to rest their bones, fill their bellies with ale, and gorge on ridiculous amounts of food. In this article, I’m going to discuss the history of the medieval inn...
Unusual Medieval Professions

Unusual Medieval Professions

An article about unusual medieval professions, with some hooks and tips for using them in your own stories and writing. Part 1 of a Lost Kingdom Series, great for writers, storytellers, RPG or DnD players.

Status symbols through the ages and their importance in culture

Status symbols through the ages and their importance in culture

Throughout history, status symbols – often bizarre ones – have cropped up in art, texts, and archaeological finds, and have puzzled people from later cultures. As in nature, humans are driven by biological imperative (as well as personal desire) to show themselves as the best, and to advance their authority and power. Humans have found a wide variety of ways to display their “superiority” within a community, ranging from fancy dressing, to the erection of wondrous structures, to the acquisition of rare commodities. Enter the status symbol.

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