Status symbols through the ages and their importance in culture

Status symbols through the ages and their importance in culture

Throughout history, status symbols – often bizarre ones – have cropped up in art, texts, and archaeological finds, and have puzzled people from later cultures. As in nature, humans are driven by biological imperative (as well as personal desire) to show themselves as the best, and to advance their authority and power. Humans have found a wide variety of ways to display their “superiority” within a community, ranging from fancy dressing, to the erection of wondrous structures, to the acquisition of rare commodities. Enter the status symbol.

Fantasy worlds and their place compared to written history

Fantasy worlds and their place compared to written history

One of the hardest and possibly, most important questions to ask yourself when starting to create a fantasy world is “What is the level of technology currently available throughout the world?”, and the truth of the matter is that this will be always highly dependent on you. For the purposes of this project we had to define a range that we will be referring to as a resource.

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